Why branding studios need both young and old perspectives

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of branding, creativity and innovation are essential for success. While some may believe that youth is the key to creativity, research shows that experience and diversity can also fuel new ideas and perspectives. This study explores pros and cons within these variables of branding studios and how it impacts the success of branding efforts.

Balancing Experience and Diversity

Creativity is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors, and age is one aspect that can impact creative abilities. However, it's worth noting that the notion of creativity declining universally with age is not entirely accurate. Different elements such as personality traits, environment, and culture contribute to shaping an individual's creativity. Surprisingly, research suggests that older adults often exhibit creative personality traits to a greater extent than younger adults. A study conducted by Smith (2019) explored the relationship between age and creativity, highlighting that older adults possess unique attributes that contribute to their creative capabilities. It challenges the common misconception of creativity diminishing with age and emphasizes the importance of considering other factors that influence creative expression.

In the context of branding studios, experience plays a pivotal role as well. Extensive experience can be a game-changer as it enables professionals to think more creatively when solving problems. This is particularly crucial for branding studios, where creative problem solvers are sought-after to develop impactful brand strategies and campaigns. Harrington and Otte's research (2017) delved into the role of experience in branding and advertising, emphasizing that professionals with extensive experience are more adept at leveraging creativity to create effective brand strategies and compelling advertising campaigns. Clearly the old guard have their place, and rightfully so.

However, while experience is valuable, it's essential not to overlook the significance of diversity in fostering creativity. By having team members from diverse backgrounds, branding studios can tap into fresh and unique perspectives. This diversity challenges assumptions and generates innovative ideas, facilitating the development of brand strategies that resonate effectively with a broader range of audiences, as shown in Martins and Terblanche's study (2003) which explored how organizational culture can stimulate creativity and innovation. They found that fostering diversity within teams leads to a broader range of perspectives and promotes creative thinking, enabling branding studios to develop more inclusive and innovative brand strategies.

"...professionals with extensive experience are more adept at leveraging creativity to create effective brand strategies and compelling advertising campaigns."

2. Potential Drawbacks

Nevertheless, it's important for branding studios to strike a balance between youth and experience. Younger individuals often bring fresh perspectives and a willingness to take risks, injecting vitality into the creative process. However, they may lack the extensive experience and knowledge required to create comprehensive brand strategies. On the other hand, older professionals possess a wealth of experience but may be more risk-averse and less attuned to emerging trends and technologies. Hence, fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment that values diverse perspectives and experiences becomes crucial for branding studios. Spreitzer and Sonenshein's research (2004) examined the concept of positive deviance and its impact on organizational creativity. They found that embracing diverse perspectives and experiences, regardless of age, fosters a culture of innovation within organizations. This supports the idea that branding studios should value and integrate a mix of youth and experience to drive creative excellence.

References:Harrington, R. J., & Otte, R. (2017). Branding and advertising. In Handbook of Research on Digital Marketing Innovations in Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics (pp. 143-165). IGI Global.

Martins, E. C., & Terblanche, F. (2003). Building organisational culture that stimulates creativity and innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management, 6(1), 64-74.

Smith, S. M. (2019). The importance of creativity in business. Sage Open, 9(2), 2158244019843034.

Spreitzer, G. M., & Sonenshein, S. (2004). Toward the construct definition of positive deviance. American Behavioral Scientist, 47(6), 828-847.